What is the Most Common Type of Insulation Used in Residential New Construction?

Insulation is an essential part of any residential new construction project, as it helps to keep the home warm in the winter and cool in the summer. The most common type of insulation used in residential new construction is fiberglass insulation. It is made from fine glass fibers and is available in blocks, rolls, and loose-fill insulators. Other materials used for loose fill insulation include cellulose, fiberglass, and mineral wool (rock or slag).

All of these materials are produced from recycled scrap materials, such as cellulose from recycled newsprint and fiberglass containing between 40 and 60% recycled glass. Mineral wool is generally produced from 75% post-industrial recycled content. Fiberglass insulation is the most popular choice for today's homes due to its affordability and ease of installation. It comes in blocks that fit between the elements of the structure, such as uprights or joists. You can buy fiberglass insulation to fit different sized structure elements, such as walls or 2×4 and 2×6 beams on the ceiling and floor.

The thicker the mass, the greater the R value it will provide.Mineral wool insulation is similar to fiberglass in that it comes in chunks and provides a similar R value. However, it surpasses fiberglass as a fire retardant, sound absorber, and moisture resistant. Mineral wool insulation is heavier but holds its shape better, making it easier to install than fiberglass. This type of insulation is also a recycled product, making it more environmentally friendly than fiberglass blocks. Rigid fiber or fibrous board insulation consists of fiberglass or mineral wool material and is mainly used to insulate air ducts in homes.

If you decide to install the insulation yourself, carefully follow the manufacturer's instructions and safety precautions and consult local building and fire codes. In situ foam insulation can be blown onto walls, attic surfaces, or under floors to isolate and reduce air leaks. In addition, some building codes do not recognize sprayed foam insulation as a vapor barrier, so the installation may require an additional vapor retarder. Structural insulation panels (SIP) are prefabricated insulated structural elements for use on walls, roofs, floors and roofs of buildings. Blanket-type insulation, the most popular and widely available type of insulation, comes in the form of blocks or rolls. This type of insulation is usually installed in attics because it reduces the radiant heat transferred from the roof to interior surfaces, such as floors and ceilings. Installing an ICF system requires an experienced contractor, available through the Insulating Concrete Forms Association.

It is also used to insulate houses that were not previously insulated by drilling holes in the exterior walls and blowing out the insulation. Installation in air ducts is usually done by HVAC contractors who manufacture the insulation in their workshops or on workplaces. It is often used to insulate cinder block walls in basements before finishing the space or on the outside of a house, under siding and other places where it is easier to use a rigid form of insulation. Attic insulation is important if you want to prevent your hard-earned money from spilling off your roof. Whether you're looking for the best energy efficient insulation or just focusing on the most cost-effective insulation material, it's good to know all your options when creating your dream home.

Perry Holz
Perry Holz

Unapologetic pop culture scholar. Subtly charming zombie evangelist. Certified beer ninja. Award-winning twitter junkie. Avid pizza fanatic.