What are the Most Common Types of Insulation Used for Installation Projects?

When it comes to insulation projects, there are a variety of materials available to choose from. The most common types of materials used for loose fill insulation include cellulose, fiberglass, and mineral wool (rock or slag). All of these materials are produced from recycled scrap materials. Cellulose is mainly made from recycled newsprint, while most fiberglass products contain between 40 and 60% recycled glass. This type of insulation is the most popular and comes in handy rolls that are easy to carry and install.

It's especially suitable for DIY projects, but take care to cut the material to fit around pipes, cables, and electrical outlets. If not placed properly in tight spaces, it can lose up to 50% of its effectiveness. The choice of insulation material will depend on several factors. The four most common types of insulation are spray foam, fiberglass, cellulose, and mineral wool. Blow insulation, also known as loose fill insulation, is installed with a machine that blows or sprays the insulating material into the space being insulated.

The paper-like substance used in blow insulation is usually made of fiberglass, rock wool, or cellulose, making it flexible enough to adapt to almost any location, including difficult corners and crevices. Batt insulating materials are designed to fit the standard width between wall studs, attic beams, and floor beams, making this method the ideal choice for your home's traditional design areas. These materials come pre-cut in the shape of a blanket or uncut in the form of a roll. If you opt for the roll shape, you'll have to cut it yourself with a utility knife before assembling it. Be sure to wear protective clothing and equipment when handling fiberglass insulation as it can significantly irritate the skin and lungs. Spray foam insulation is made of liquid latex or polyurethane foam and is designed to fill gaps and cracks inside walls and other surfaces.

When spray foam insulation is sprayed into a cavity, it expands and then hardens so that it completely fills every space. Due to its flexibility, spray foam insulation is ideal for hard-to-reach and oddly shaped areas as well as for small gaps, cracks and crevices. It hardens quickly and can be painted, trimmed or stained. Some of the most common types of coating are kraft paper, white vinyl sheets, and aluminum foil. Sprayed or foamed polyurethane insulation applications in situ are usually cheaper than installing foam plates and these applications usually work better because the liquid foam molds to all surfaces.

Cementous insulation material is a cement-based foam that is used as sprayed foam or foamed insulation in situ. Cellulose insulation is used in both new and existing homes as loose filling in open attic installations and dense building cavities such as cathedral walls and roofs. If an insulation inspection finds that you need repairs or replacements or you're just sick of high heating and cooling costs, it's time to choose an insulating material. Blown cellulose insulation or loosely filled fiberglass insulation fills cracks and crevices to help prevent heat loss during the winter. In existing structures, installers remove an outer cladding strip usually up to the waist; drill a row of three-inch holes one in each stud through the wall cladding; insert a special filling tube into the top of the wall cavity; and blow the insulation into the building cavity usually to a density of 1.5 to 3.5 pounds.

A coating protects the insulation surface holds it together and facilitates attachment to building components. Polyisocyanurate has limited availability as plate insulation but is also available as foamed insulation in situ. Polyisocyanurate applications with in-situ foam are usually cheaper than installing foam plates and can work better because liquid foam molds to all surfaces. There are several different types of insulation on the market and the one you choose will depend on your budget R-value requirements DIY capabilities and the current insulation system. Hemp is not a common insulating material in the U. S., although it has R-values comparable to those of other types of fibrous insulation. Before determining what type of insulation is best for your home you must determine if and how your home is currently insulated.

The easiest trick to insulate your house without having to carry out major works is to spray foam a chemical-based insulation that is mixed around the house before applying it with a special sprayer. There are insulating materials that are no longer used but that can be found in old buildings; an example is insulation containing asbestos which has been banned. Some manufacturers use polyisocyanurate as insulation material in structural insulation panels (SIP).

Perry Holz
Perry Holz

Unapologetic pop culture scholar. Subtly charming zombie evangelist. Certified beer ninja. Award-winning twitter junkie. Avid pizza fanatic.